PMGT 690 Example

Example ePortfolio organized with each of the 47 Processes on their own page, nested under the appropriate process group. 
Dr. Bill Carswell, PMP

Closing Process Group

These processes formally complete the project and contractual obligations. It verifies that all other processes have been completed, that required contractual obligations have been met and that all procurements have been closed. This process groups draws from the following PMBOK Knowledge Areas:

  • Project Integration Management
  • Project Procurement Management
4.0 Project Integration Management

Closing a project or a phase of a project involves ensuring that all project objectives have been met and that all acceptance documentation has been signed and received. In the event the project is terminated early the reasons for doing so and appropriate signed documents must also be prepared. The team also typically conducts a lessons learned exercise at the closure phase of a project.

4.6 Close Project or Phase

12.0 Project Procurement Management

This process ensures that all procurements are closed out at the end of a project by verifying that all procured products, services and data were acceptable and that all suppliers have been paid.

12.4 Close Procurements
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